Flotation is now of immense industrial importance. Without the nurture of flotation there would be no digging industry as we know it today. Virtually all of the realnesss supply of lead, zinc and silver is produced by flotation. The mass of copper is produced by flotation. ?n addition other metals that argon made using flotation are manganese, chromium, columbium, nickel, cobalt, vanadium, germanium, antimony, bismuth and tungsten. that its use overly extends to non-metallic minerals. Phosphate, fluorite, feldspar, mica, barite and other industrial minerals are flotation products. Coal is now froth-floated on a sizeable scale. Then outside the minerals industry flotation has application in the paper, food, water and waste industries. Flotation of inks, fats, oils, grease and fibres is widespread.
The introduction of flotation has meant that more difficult ores can be processed. Previous methods much(prenominal) as gravity separation were much less efficient. The provender grade of ores that can be interact has decreased significantly since flotation was developed. ?n 1935 the average copper content of ores treated in USA was 1.57%. By 1960 it had dropped to 0.72% and the cost fell also appreciably. This trend has continued. ?t is now posible to treat ores that previously could not be processed.
Flotation has been critical in these industrial developments. The manhoods economic ore reserves have been greatly change magnitude by flotation.
Brief history of the flotation process development:
Flotation was introduced into industrial practice about 100 long time ago. Early patents (William Haynes, England, 1860) were granted based on the use of oils which preferentially trapped particles of mineral or gangue of different types. They were then floated to the rally with the oil. This type of process is still proposed for the oil agglomeration and recovery of very well coal. Later variations added acid to increase the differentiation of valuable mineral and...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay
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